giovedì 19 dicembre 2019

Is the Bioplastics the solution to plastic pollution problem?

Bioplastics maybe be a part of the solutions to reduce plastic pollution in the environment. A lot of things must be done if we re ally want to reduce plastic in our seas, bioplastics could be part of the game only if we know them and we use them correctly.                                                                         Despite its name, bioplastics are not ipso facto a sustainable solution. You might expect bioplastic objects to dissolve down, when disposed of in your compost heap, or to at least to have a lower carbon footprint, but it might surprise you to find out these expectations aren’t necessarily true. Before to start to consider the bioplastics the panacea for all problems created by the plastic you have to pay attention to following 6 points:  Continue to read

domenica 15 dicembre 2019

The other side of the Trade War: The Waste War.

                                                         We are at the end of 2019 ...
and the international media speak only of Trade War, of duties and possible economic repercussions on global trade. But the so-called Trade War between US and China goes beyond the duties, imposed by the Trump administration. Far from the spotlight is there another war between superpower countries: Waste War. Yes, you have understood correctly: we are talking about the garbage, mountains of plastic and cardboard scraps that western countries produce and they are able only partially to recycle.  Continue to read

domenica 1 dicembre 2019

Crystallization and nucleation of semi-crystalline polymers

A Small review on what is a crystal, what is a semi-crystalline polymer, what is the influence of nucleating agents on the crystallization process of polymers. And a non-exhaustive list of which are the commercial available nucleating agents.  Continue to read 

Plastic: Friend or Enemy

Plastic: Friend or Enemy Plastic as we know it, has been our good friend for many years, so far it has allowed us: - move faster (t...