domenica 9 febbraio 2020

Plastic: Friend or Enemy

Plastic: Friend or Enemy

Plastic as we know it, has been our good friend for many years, so far it has allowed us:

- move faster (tires, cars, trains, planes, ...) - eat healthier, (protective packaging, food hygiene, ready-made food, disposable cups ....), - dress with warm, light and protective fabrics (replacement or integration of natural fibers) - greater safety in hospitals and operating rooms (disposable syringes, blister packs for medicines, blood bags, .....)     ..... Continue to read

martedì 28 gennaio 2020

La CO2, anidride carbonica

La CO2, anidride carbonica (o biossido di carbonio) è un gas naturale, naturalmente presente nell'aria che respiriamo, ma come ogni altra cosa in natura l'eccesso fa male anzi molto male.

La CO2 (anidride carbonica o biossido di carbonio) è un gas inerte, inodore ed incolore, naturalmente presente in atmosfera in concentrazioni limitate.   Continua a leggere

Plastic: Friend or Enemy

Plastic: Friend or Enemy Plastic as we know it, has been our good friend for many years, so far it has allowed us: - move faster (t...