Che tempo farà? A questa semplice domanda l'uomo da quanto ha avuto coscienza di se ha cercato di dare una risposta. Questa domanda è diventata ancora più importante quando l'uomo ha iniziato ad occuparsi di agricoltura. Prevedere il tempo poteva essere questione di sopravvivenza ad esempio se si pensava di tentare di navigare.... continua a leggere
A chat with friends ..... “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” George Bernard Shaw
sabato 1 ottobre 2016
giovedì 4 agosto 2016
Internet, as a physical structure, was born in the United States when the Department of Defence decided to link the computers of various universities, who were responsible for military projects..... continue to reading
sabato 23 luglio 2016
Biodegradable and Compostable Shoppers in Italy
The disposable shoppers in Italy
Biodegradable and compostable disposable shoppers are the only allowed to be sold in Italy, The penalty for who market porducts not in compliance even if they are sold free of charge starting.....
Continue to reading
Alla Sera
Oggi il mio umore è cupo, sono a casa malato e mi sento molto triste, ma mi è venuta in soccorso la letteratura, con opere immortali. In particolare mi ha tirato su il morale un opera di Ugo Foscolo: Alla Sera, è incredibile il potere delle parole, e come queste anche dopo secoli da quando sono state scritte, trattengono il loro fascino. Ma basta con le mie parole lasciamo lo spazio e gli onori alle immortali parole di Foscolo.
(Ugo Foscolo)
Forse perché della fatal quiete
tu sei l'imago, a me si cara vieni,
o Sera! E quando ti corteggian liete
le nubi estive e i zefiri sereni,
e quando dal nevoso aere inquiete
tenebre e lunghe all'universo meni,
sempre scendi invocata e le secrete
vie del mio cor soavemente tieni
Vagar mi fai co' miei pensieri su
che vanno al nulla esterno; e intanto
questo reo tempo, e van con lui le
dalle cure, onde meco egli si strugge;
e mentr'io guardo la tua pace, dorme
quello spirito guerrier ch'entro mi
mercoledì 29 giugno 2016
The robots are coming
With the new generation of robots, many productions are now returning from countries where they had relocated to take advantage of the low cost of labor.
The companies of countries such as Germany where new technologies (robots and the like) are already being used in an ever more massive, are bring back in Europe the productions a time delocalized in Asia.
The Europe as a whole is experiencing this new revolution. The companies no longer need cheap workers but robots and specialized technicians.
And about Italy...
Here, the main obstacle to the adoption of such equipment is definitely the stunting of our companies. New technologies require massive capital investments. But this is not the only obstacle, the increased automation through the use of robots in manufacturing processes is a great revolution in the organization of companies.
And it needs for greater cooperation between all the resources of the factory, among the various internal and external functions and the same machinery.
But it is a challenge that Italy despite the delays than the Germany can not possibly losing.
It must quickly recover lost ground by bring back or creating new productions, at the same time create new jobs for all those highly skilled young people who will be able to remain in Italy, instead of emigrating to other countries. What great loss for the whole country ... if the best young boys (and girls) must go away.sabato 25 giugno 2016
Some consideration about my work and work of millions of other researchers like me
The following considerations though
refer to my personal life it can easily be extended to any
researcher. An architect who is studying the best way to build a
palace, an engineer who trying to improve the efficiency of an
engine, an electronic expert who studying a new lighting system ....
During the years I gained knowledge on
how to formulate blends and compounds based on thermoplastic
polymers. My business took me to meet many such polymers PE, PP, ABS,
PC, PS, PA6, PA66, PBAT, PBS, PHA, PLA ... and many additives eg
antioxidants, light stabilizers, slip, release agents, mineral
fillers, glass fibers, carbon fibers, wood fibers ....
I have always regretted myself feeling
inadequate my knowledge on various materials as a result of the fact
that over time I kept changing polymer, additive, reference ..... and
never having the opportunity to specialize myself on a particular
topic. In the past I thought to this point as my big problem, until I
did not become aware of the fact, that I do not need to know
"everything" on a particular subject but it is enough to
have the mental resources to go to fill the holes when this becomes
Therefore, if at a certain time of
life, I need to make some products based on PP, I am able to know
what are the parameters I must to know and where to look. The melting
point, the crystallization point, the resistance to the impact, the
flexural modulus ... etc.
Sure I constantly repeating to myself
that I have never achieved the specialization in a particular topic
and I am never be able to have complete knowledge in any area. But
this is precisely the fundamental error, even spending years and
years to studying and working on a particular polymer, or on a
particular class of additives, nobody will never be able to have
access to all the knowledge on that particular subject. This also
because even as I write these few lines thousands of people continue
to study and to expand our own knowledge in the field in which I
would like to know everything.
Now seems to be unavoidable the use of
big computers that are able to read and analyze thousands of article,
books, magazines in near real time and thanks to the development of
artificial intelligence are also able to propose solutions or make
accurate predictions.
But even these monsters of knowledge
have their weak point: the need to constantly acquire new knowledge
made available by thousands of researchers around the world continue
to produce articles, books etc.
I often wondered to myself what will be
my future work (and what will be the work of thousands of others
researches like). If between 15-20 years we will be supplanted by
super computers. If companies will need simply to subscribe for
access to a super computer (like Watson) and do without all those
thousands of researchers, developers, who by their silent work
continue to make improvements (often small) to all materials,
medicines, objects that surround us and with whom we come into
contact every day.
I'd like to know your opinion on this
topic, as always I leave you the link to my EMAIL .
sabato 18 giugno 2016
The homemade soap
A few days ago a friend of mine, knowing my passion for things done in the house, asked me how to make soap. So before I give her the recipe I wanted to experience it firsthand. The proven satisfaction to make soap made with your own hands has no value compared to the commitment necessary. So I decided to share with you, as well as with my friend the procedure I used to make soap.
(If you decide to try this enterprise you also, please be careful with caustic soda, use the right protections in order to avoid unpleasant and dangerous accidents.)
At this point you just need to click the link and start your adventure.
(If you decide to try this enterprise you also, please be careful with caustic soda, use the right protections in order to avoid unpleasant and dangerous accidents.)
At this point you just need to click the link and start your adventure.
Now it's your turn 2°versione
mercoledì 15 giugno 2016
A thought for a friend
During a battle, two brave knights seeing that the result of the battle was going badly for their part, decided to protect their backs to each other. They stood back to back, doing so they won their personal battle: they saved their life.
This is the secret of those friends, that when they face the hardships of life, they choose to ally themselves with each other to solve the current difficulties......
This is the secret of those friends, that when they face the hardships of life, they choose to ally themselves with each other to solve the current difficulties......
sabato 4 giugno 2016
The inhabitants of the Emirati Arabi
Uniti have managed in less than 25 years, to trasform one of the most
inospitable places in the world (a piece of the desert) in one of the
most desirable locations in the world (Abu Dhabi). A place that rich
peoples, corporations, etc. are willing to pay thousands of dollars.
They are willing to pay more than 8000 dollars per square meter for
appartaments of no particular value. The arabians were very abled to
do this.
We Italians, have some of the places
that for the last 2500 years were been among the most desired. People
from many nations (Arabian, French, Spanish, Norwegian, ecc.) made
wars, invasions, etc. to live there, es SICILY....and now?
Although Sicily is full of landscape
assets, evidence of glorious past, a very desirable climate, vine,
food, ecc. There are not many people willing to go to live there.
There are not a lot corporations ready to make big investments
I believe that this simple
consideration, should make us, as Italians, to reflect.
giovedì 26 maggio 2016
Biopolymers (Biopolimeri)
With the emergence of the matter pollution, it was necessary to reduce the environmental impact of every product an all phases of its life cycle. Although with some delay the plastics industry began a thorough review of the technologies and processes used, the type of polymer produced and the origin of the raw materials used. This led to the introduction of biodegradable polymers and the research for alternative sources to fossil raw materials. The results are increasingly promising and not goes a day by when it does find new applications for this new polymers .....
Although I have, every day, the opportunity to work with biodegradable polymers my knowledge about their nature and their uses are still limited. Below I have tried to write, or rather to outline, the chapters of a small monograph. I hope a lot of you want help me to complete the various chapters and possibly suggesting others. Here I leave the link to my EMAIL to send us your comments.
Although I have, every day, the opportunity to work with biodegradable polymers my knowledge about their nature and their uses are still limited. Below I have tried to write, or rather to outline, the chapters of a small monograph. I hope a lot of you want help me to complete the various chapters and possibly suggesting others. Here I leave the link to my EMAIL to send us your comments.
Biopolymers (Biopolimeri)
0 : Indice versione 1 ITA
1 : Premessa versione 1 ITA
2 : La Biodegradazione versione 1 ITA
3 : Polimeri Tradizionali versione 1 ITA
4 : Polimeri Biodegradabili versione 1 ITA
5 : Poliesteri versione 1 ITA
5.1 : PGA versione 1 ITA
5.2 : PLA versione 1 ITA
5.3 : PCL versione 1 ITA
5.4 : PES capitolo da scrivere
5.5 : PBS versione 2 ITA
5.6 : PBSA versione 1 ITA
5.7 : PBAT versione 1 ITA
5.8 : PBST versione 1 ITA
6 : Poliidrossialcanoati da scrivere
6.1 : PHA da scrivere
6.2 : PHB da scrivere
7 : Polisaccaridi
7.1 : Amido versione 1 ITA
7.2 : Cellulosa da scrivere
7.3 : Chitina e Chiosano versione 1 ITA
8 : Tecnologie di Trasformazione
8.1 : Filatura in Bolla
8.1.1 : Filmatura in bolla versione 1 ITA
8.1.2 : Filmatura in cast da scrivere
8.2 : Stampaggio ad iniezione da scrivere
8.3 : Blow Molding da scrivere
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