sabato 23 novembre 2019

PLASTIC: Problem or Resource

Since the 1930s, around 8 billion tons of plastic have been produced, of which only 2 billion have been recovered in the last 20 years (recycled). Leaving about 6 billion tons in the environment. These numbers tell us that we are fast approaching an environmental catastrophe, which leads to the death of thousands of living beings literally suffocated or starved to death (stomach clogged), or made sick (read human beings in whose organism micro plastics accumulate, ... in the lungs, stomach, intestine liver, …). Considering an apparent density of less than 0.1 Kg / m3 this amount can be visualized as a cube of side 40 Km. Another way to visualize this quantity is to imagine the Po valley completely covered with plastic up to a height equal to the Cervino mountain.  continue to read 

Plastic: Friend or Enemy

Plastic: Friend or Enemy Plastic as we know it, has been our good friend for many years, so far it has allowed us: - move faster (t...